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Fanikisha which means 'breakthrough' is a business women support program started by Kianda Foundation in 2003.

About the Program

Fanikisha targets rural and peri-urban aspiring and established entrepreneurs.

The aim of the project is to strengthen women enterprises to be more competitive, grow, create employment as well as inspire aspiring women entrepreneurs to start businesses so that they are able to better support themselves and their families 

Impact in Numbers


Number of women



Number of Villages Reached


% who double their income in the first 6 months

The Curriculum

The training program which runs for 6 months includes topics such as:

  • Introduction to business 

  • Business planning 

  • Cost and profit 

  • Keeping business records 

  • Marketing 

  • Essential business skills 

  • Saving and investment 

  • Time and stress management 

Additionally the women are trained in:-

  • Mentorship

Counseling services are offered throughout the program


Mentorship and Mental Health Support

A novel breakthrough of the Fanikisha Program has been the introduction of counseling and  mentorship support for village business women. A core group of mentors is currently receiving professional training for a counseling certificate which will enable them to mentor women in small businesses so as to grow their business and face the challenges of life more confidently. 

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Contact Info

P.O. BOX  44810 - 00100

+254-722 530 449


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